Sella Group Launches Pilot Program for Biometric Fingerprint Card
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Sella Group Launches Pilot Program for Biometric Fingerprint Card

Italy’s Sella Group is piloting a biometric recognition credit card that enables users to make payments using their fingerprint. This initiative is spearheaded by Sella Personal Credit in collaboration with Idemia and involves a select group of Visa cardholders in Italy.

Customers participating in the trial receive a kit that allows them to enroll their fingerprints onto the card without needing to visit a bank branch. The biometric chip operates directly from the POS for contact payments and through a magnetic field for contactless transactions.

These cards can be used globally and are compatible with any EMV-certified POS and ATM terminal. “This new card enables a recognition mode that is already familiar to many people through their smartphones,” says Giorgio Orioli, CEO and general manager of Sella Personal Credit. “It also underscores the Group’s ongoing commitment to providing innovative solutions that cater to evolving personal needs.”