Revolut has applied to become a registered bank in New Zealand. Since its launch in New Zealand in 2023, Revolut has experienced significant growth, processing...
NatWest Group is launching a Fintech Growth Programme aimed at assisting startups in utilizing the resources, expertise, and networks of an established high-street bank to...
Google is gearing up to challenge the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in court over its plans to establish supervisory authority over Google Payment...
ABN Amro is launching a 'Pay Later' debtor management pilot aimed at enhancing trust in online B2B transactions for business clients. Under this pilot, ABN...
As Europe advances towards enhancing open finance through the implementation of Financial Data Access (FIDA) legislation, various associations are urging for a comprehensive assessment of...
ThetaRay has partnered with Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service to create a GenAI financial crime detection suite. This collaboration enables financial institutions to better detect criminal...
Berlin-based WealthTech startup NAO has successfully secured €3.4 million in seed funding from a mix of family offices, private investors, and existing backers, including FinTech...
Klarna has been fined Skr500 million ($50 million) by Sweden’s Financial Supervisory Authority due to deficiencies in its anti-money laundering practices. An investigation conducted by...
Financial crime prevention platform Themis has successfully raised £7.25 million in scale-up funding. With offices in London and the Middle East, Themis has developed know...
Ayan Capital, a London-based Islamic fintech, has raised £2.8 million in equity funding to enhance halal car finance and other Islamic finance offerings in the...