Mastercard Launches Biometric Checkout Initiative
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Mastercard Launches Biometric Checkout Initiative

Mastercard has developed a technology framework aimed at establishing minimum standards for biometric payments during checkout.

The card scheme is collaborating with partners such as NEC, Payface, Aurus, PaybyFace, PopID, and Fujitsu Limited to launch this initiative, which aims to provide a comprehensive framework of minimum standards, specifications, and guidelines. These will address security, biometric performance levels, and data protection specifically within the context of in-store biometric payments.

“The way we pay needs to keep pace with the way we live, work, and do business, offering choice to consumers with the highest levels of security,” says Ajay Bhalla, president of cyber & intelligence at Mastercard. “Our goal with this new programme is to make shopping a great experience for consumers and merchants alike, providing the best of both security and convenience.”

The first pilot will commence this week in Brazil, in collaboration with Payface and St Marche. This pilot will implement Payface’s technology across five St Marche supermarkets in São Paulo.

Consumers visiting these supermarkets will be able to enroll their facial and payment information through the Payface app. Once registered, they can simply smile to make a payment at the checkout without needing a card or mobile device.

Additional pilots are being planned for rollout in the Middle East and Asia.