NPCI Disconnects Hundreds of Banks Following Ransomware Attack on IT Vendor
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NPCI Disconnects Hundreds of Banks Following Ransomware Attack on IT Vendor

More than 200 cooperative and regional rural banks were briefly disconnected from India’s retail payments system last week due to concerns about a potential ransomware attack on C-Edge Technologies, as reported by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).

In a statement, NPCI indicated that core banking vendor C-Edge had “possibly” experienced a ransomware attack. To mitigate any larger impact on the payment ecosystem, NPCI took the precaution of temporarily isolating C-Edge Technologies from accessing its retail payment systems. As a result, customers of banks serviced by C-Edge were unable to access payment systems during this time.

Connectivity was restored the following day after an independent forensic auditing firm conducted a review and determined that the impact was confined to C-Edge systems hosted in its data center, with no effects on any bank infrastructure.